How to Boost your Google AdSense Earnings 2023

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What is AdSense Earnings? 

AdSense Earnings is a free-of-charge, simple way to earn money by displaying ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your site.

1. Create unique, valuable content

To begin with, Google AdSense could initially accept your site before reviewing it for quality control. Put another way; you cannot load your website with low-quality material to index and monetize 100 pages.

Instead, find something you are enthusiastic about, and seek out others who share your enthusiasm. Next, collaborate with them to produce material that other readers who share their love for the subject would enjoy reading.

2. Make your site sticky.

Visitors to your website might not immediately click on your AdSense advertisements. However, if they leave after only perusing one page, you’ve probably permanently lost them and their prospective AdSense profits. This is why you need to design a sticky website.

This implies that you must ensure that each visitor to your website wants to explore the site in greater detail. There are several methods for doing this. To begin with, have easy-to-use navigation at the top of your website so visitors can quickly reach the highlights.

Make sure all content connects to other stuff after that. In this approach, if visitors aren’t interested in the page they’ve arrived at, they can see a link to one on a different subject.

Last but not least, add extra content links to the sidebar. Inform your audience about the articles that have received the most likes, shares, and comments. Visitors will stay on your site longer since they’ll be interested in learning why those particular pieces of content are so well-liked. Additionally, the more times people open your site, the more advertising they will see, which might result in more Google AdSense profits.

3. Give your visitors multiple channels back to your site.

Keep your website front of mind for your visitors. Multiple routes for people to communicate with you and follow you should be included in your header, sidebar, content conclusion, and footer. In addition, options like social networks and email opt-ins should be offered. By doing this, you may remind the visitor about your website each time you create or promote a piece of content in the hopes that they will return and possibly click on more of your AdSense advertisements.

4. Optimize your user experience
The user experience is one issue that many website owners face. Even if you have the best content and ad placement, if your site loads slowly or not on mobile devices, you risk losing a lot of people before they get a chance to read your articles or click on your advertisements.

You must thus take a few actions in support of your website. First, run a few fast tests using Google Tools to ensure that your site loads quickly and is user-friendly on mobile devices. Both tools will let you know if your website has any problems so you can address them.

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